30 October 2009

The End of Another Week

It has been a fairly quiet week; the only thing in which anyone has consistently expressed interest is the inevitable Halloween parties tonight and tomorrow.

A few, a very few of us wore costumes of some sort today. The coffee shop girl dressed as a flapper and played Charleston & ragtime music all day on her laptop.

A lady in the billing office dressed as a bat boy for the Reds ... or maybe some other team with predominantly red colors. I only saw her once, from a distance.

I decided to add my own meager contribution to the 'open carry' discussion that was all the rage, last week. I wore a "Sheriff" badge that I ordered from Amazon, and openly carried my 1911 and spare mag on my belt.

Not one person said a word. It hardly even drew any attention, that I could tell. I was greeted with "Howdy, Sheriff" or "Officer" because of the badge.

Hmm. I haven't worn a badge in many years; it's interesting how even a fake one produces a slightly different response from people you already know. But that's probably a topic for another day, if at all; my police department era was MANY moons ago.

On another topic, our air quality has dropped dramatically today, as the north winds blow. Glacial silt has made it look almost foggy; click the pic for embiggification.

Have a great weekend, folks. Thanks for stopping by.


Home on the Range said...

We're having monsoon like rains. Barkley seems to like to go out in it, but only that when he comes in I rub him off with a soft towel. Spoiled mutt. :-)

Rev. Paul said...

Gee, I wonder who's been spoiling him? He probably goes out so that you WILL rub him down; smart pooch.

DR said...

Hope you and your family have a great weekend too.