10 November 2009

A Frosty Morn

Good morning! It's 15 degrees with a light frost at 6:30; the weather quack says we'll have a "normal" day, meaning a high in the mid-20s with sun and blue skies. Tomorrow, perhaps another six inches more snow. Lows could be in the single digits by the weekend, meaning we've returned to a normal winter pattern. Time to go out and play!

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Will-Wonders-Never-Cease Dept: The Anchorage School Board voted, last night, to live within its means. This may be some sort of record.

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What's-Your-Point Dept: State legislators are "considering spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in public money to support an arts and cultural center in New York City that its founder describes as an embassy devoted to increasing awareness of Alaska." This for a city whose inhabitants regard anything west of Pittsburgh as wilderness.

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Just-For-Being-You Dept: And finally, this message for our progressive friends who believe that asking Americans - during a recession with nearly 18% unemployment - for more taxes, penalties, fines, and countless other means of destroying the economy:

1 comment:

Meadow said...

Love the 'Stupid' graphic, Rev. Paul!

Cut your temp in half and you have what our current temp is.

Still nice, though, even with the brain freeze headache from breathing too deeply.

Can't believe the school board decision! Maybe someone awoke to the fact that no one ever believes their "Oopsie, we just found the necessary funds!" that we hear every year.

Have a blessed day.