10 April 2010

Saturday Doings

It has been sunny today, although clouds seem to be gathering now. We've warmed from 25 all the way up to a dizzying 34 degrees, and our weather fiends* at AccuHunch are predicting a rain-snow mix for this evening, some accumulation overnight, and more rain & snow tomorrow.

Ah, Springtime in Alaska. They sure do know how to mess up a party. But perhaps ... just perhaps ... there'll be enough rain to wash the mud off of my truck.

Speaking of the truck - and the car - I spent the morning taking the studded snow tires off, and putting the summer times on. It's amazing how smoothly & quietly the big SUV rolls down the highway, with street tires. Nice.

The roads themselves are in rough shape, a term I use advisedly. Months of usage by motorists with studded tires, while the pavement has been more or less bare, has roughened the surface of the asphalt - a LOT. I won't be surprised to see them start to re-surface the highway this year; if not the wear-and-tear, then for the ruts which tend to grab small cars & force them to follow the 'road more traveled' (with apologies to Robert Frost).

Younger Daughter is in a cooking class this afternoon: "All About Fish with an Ice-Road Trucker". Yes, there will be pictures; sorry I can't offer samples.

My wife is cutting out patterns to make herself some new duds, to match the other new duds she recently purchased. Since she's busy, I'll take us all out to eat when YD's cooking class is over, at 5:00.

Thanks for stopping by.

Oh, yeah: I got new glasses, too.

*Yes, I know. I did it on purpose. 'kthnxbye.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

LOL - yay on the new glasses!