23 April 2010


Regarding my previous post about the planned civil disobedience by carrying weapons on the University of Alaska campuses (campii?), they have not yet announced a date. If I'm free that day, I will take pictures. The stated intent is to force the issue by demanding to either be arrested, or have the UA powers-that-be drop the disarmament of students. Pro bono legal counsel has been arranged for anyone who gets arrested.

* * * * *

It was 27 degrees at my house this morning, and there was frost on the car windows. Yesterday's precip (3" of snow on my side of town) left a fresh coating of white on the mountains above town. The slush on the roads is all gone, though. Once the snow stopped falling, the temps rose to the mid-30s, and 95% of the white stuff was gone by 10 p.m. There's still an inch or so in my driveway, but it will probably melt today if the forecast (low 40s) is close to accurate.

Since it was supposed to be 45 yesterday - and you know now that didn't happen - I have less confidence than usual in the forecast. Long-time readers of this little corner of the cortex know I don't trust AccuHunch much, at all.

* * * * *

There's not much else in the local news, and the national picture is as muddled - and the pols as disingenuous - as usual. Bleh.

Have a great Friday; thanks for stopping by.

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