05 June 2010

Just a Thought

A conversation with a friend brought up the subject of old regrets, and he mentioned a Facebook page called "I Wish Life Had an Un-do Button".

Real life doesn't work like that, though. We all have regrets, and might-have-beens. An old flame ... old arguments ... broken relationships ... ill-considered job choices ... harsh words, or whatever. You can't go back and change it. No amount of daydreams, wishing, or tears will make it different.

What was, was, and you can't change that. All we have is the now, and we must try to make it as good as we can.

Consider the words that you're about to speak; one of the wisest things any human can learn is, "Just because it goes through your head, doesn't mean it should come out of your mouth." Another way to put that is "Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift."*

If the people around you are worth keeping around, then you must learn to speak gracefully. Don't burn your bridges ... and you know what they say about "stepping on the little guy".

Learn to think twice before speaking, and if you're angry, three or four times. My friend was expressing regret for a conversation that took place in 1974, and how that had seemingly changed the course of his life. Stuff happens, and often for good reason, but sometimes it happens because of one's own mistakes.

Important addition from The Farmer, in comments below: "If we neither learn from them or make amends for them, then we will live a sad life."

If you love someone, tell them. Don't spend your life regretting a missed opportunity; we've all done it, and it's not pretty. Be gracious, as often as you can. Be polite, and smile when it's appropriate. It sounds trite, but you never know whether your smile might be the only one that person got, that day. It could make a huge difference to them, and costs you only a moment.

Like I said, just a thought.

*Ephesians 4:29


The Farmer said...

You're right in saying we all have regrets, but its what we do about those regrets that sets us apart. If we neither learn from them or make amends for them, then we will live a sad life.

LomaAlta said...

Good advice, apologize and make amends, think before you speak, and treat your friends and loved ones as you would be treated.

Anonymous said...

Well said. We all could use that advice.

See Ya.