30 August 2010

Miller's Attorney Calls for State Troopers to Guard Ballots

This seems to be getting serious. Excerpt:

From Sean Cockerham in Anchorage –

Anchorage lawyer Tom Van Flein, working for the Miller campaign, is alleging possible vote tampering and asking for state troopers to be dispatched to all the regional elections offices.

Van Flein (who is also Sarah Palin’s personal lawyer) is basing his complaint on the actions at the Mat-Su elections office of a Murkowski observer that he identifies as “Mike.” Van Flein writes in his complaint that “Mike” tried to bring a large bag into the room, against instructions, which Van Flein describes as a way to make ballots “disappear.”

~ snip ~

“For 20 minutes this Murkowski observer was in the state’s voter records viewing private information and, we are told, accessed the state’s election management system.”

Van Flein says in his complaint that the state’s Diebold voting software “contains vulnerabilities that may allow someone to install malicious software to discount votes.”

1 comment:

Jenny said...

ADN has a copy of the complaint -


*probably* much ado about nothing.. but we'll see. It's worth checking out, anyhow.