16 September 2010

The Fog Comes In

on little cat's feet, according to Carl Sandburg. Maybe where he was, but not so much here.

Yukon Cornelius: This fog's as thick as peanut butter!
Hermey : You mean pea soup.

Yukon Cornelius
: You eat what you like, and I'll eat what I like!

Over the weekend, we had sun. Glorious sunlight & crystal-clear blue skies, of a sort we've not experienced much, this year. Saturday, Sunday, Monday ... picture-perfect weather. The official forecast from AccuHunch, the National Weather Service, Wunderground, et al was for that to continue all week.

Naturally, fog rolled in Tuesday morning, and with minor exceptions, it's been that way since. Tuesday night it was so bad that the Anchorage airport was diverting flights to Fairbanks. Yesterday, we only eked out a high of 54. Despite, you know, the actual conditions, yesterday's forecast was "sunny and 64".

This morning, it's 41 degrees & the weather gnome says there's a dense fog advisory. Ya think? That would explain why we can't see across the street...

But have no fear! Heed no foggy morns! The official forecast says (I'm not kidding here), "FOG sunny & 58 dense fog".

Words cannot express our continued disdain for whatever process the official weather-guess follows. Pfooey.

1 comment:

joated said...

"Despite, you know, the actual conditions, yesterday's forecast was "sunny and 64"."

It probably was...at 10,000 feet.

I'd love to have had a job where I could be dead wrong 60% of the time.

(Wait a minute. didn't Ted Williams hit .400? That's "wrong 60% of the time, isn't it?)