16 September 2010

This May Be Something

of a record: the earliest in the year we've ever run the furnace. It's 47 degrees, the fog - which was lifting, earlier - has come rolling back in, and it's still 100% humidity.

When I got home from work, even though the windows were closed, it was only 66 degrees in the upstairs. Turning on the heat is the last thing I wanted to do, but oh well.



joated said...

66 degrees? You're getting soft there Rev.

Heck, I don't turn mine on until it reaches 55 in the house. Even in mid winter, I set the thermostat for between 63 and 65.

(I'm actually warmer--to warm--in my wood stove heated Adirondack cabin...as long as there's a fire or two going.)

Rev. Paul said...

I know. It's one of those occasions where I run the furnace once, to take the damp chill out of the air, and then we may not run it again for another month.

Teresa said...

That's the one thing I dislike about this time of year... should I turn on the furnace or wait til it gets colder. *sigh* We're sitting at about 66-68 right now and I'm cold. Can't quite make myself turn the heat on though. We'll see what the weekend brings. LOL