04 September 2010


The day has dawned grey and dreary, but that's okay. Since it's the first morning of a longish weekend, we'll cope somehow.

I have few plans for the time off, other than a long drive at some point, and a trip to the range - if indeed it's open this morning. The State-operated facility may or may not be in operation, depending on how the employees are taking their holiday. Since it's closed on Monday & Tuesday in regular time, their holiday may be tomorrow ... or it may be the whole weekend. No way to know without driving a couple miles down the road.

No matter. Since I routinely carry the 1911, all it involves is grabbing the range bag which already has a hundred or so rounds in it, ready to go.

And with that, I'm out of coffee. Time for a refill.

p.s. I was a bit surprised that no one commented about the logo on my briefcase, yesterday. Maybe my readers aren't aware of Larry Correia.

p.p.s. I've been properly chastened; the logo isn't as clear in that photo as I'd hoped. I suppose I thought it was, primarily because I already knew what it was. Oops.


ajdshootist said...

Im of down my gun club 2moro,the logo is a bit faint in the photo.
BTW thanks for Email.

Cassie said...

The Larry Correia logo doesn't show up very well. I see it now that you mention it! Have a good Labor Day weekend, rangetime or not! Pat & I are in the process of driving from Boston to PA to visit my mom. We flew in just before Hurricane Earl. He turned out to be a dud. Good!!

Jenny said...

That.... is AWESOME. :)

(Come to think of it, is there an Alaska contingent version? )

Rev. Paul said...

If there isn't, there OUGHT to be. :)

joated said...

No monsters in Alaska! (All the grizz ate 'em a long time ago.)

I went back and looked and could not see that logo on yesterday's pic. Definitely a nice one though.

Got another sewn on your Browncoat?