02 September 2010

Oh, Woe is Us - NOT

The Anchorage Daily Worker News has joined the "Murkowski-had-seniority-we're-gonna-lose-it-now-Alaska-won't-have-any-power-in-the-Senate" meme ... sigh.

Sen. Murkowski herself played that card, only a couple of days before the election, with a TV (and probably radio, too, since it's donors' money they're spending) ad about how we couldn't afford to lose her. She's haz teh senioriteh. Yeah, well, tough. The voters had that as part of the equation, and they chose differently.

Since the electorate voted for the Tea Party candidate over an entrenched bureaucratic RINO, imagine the cosmic yawn going on at the newspaper's latest wheeze about something we didn't care about, just a week ago.

But it's going to cost us in terms of the level of federal spending here, they point out. So? Maybe if the powers-that-be (and those who elected or appointed them) hadn't decided we gotsta, gotsta have it, they wouldn't be so panic-struck now.

There are a good many of us who think the General Government has way too much influence here, now. We like Joe Miller's assertion that it would be best to let D.C. keep its handouts, and give us control of our own land and resources.

* * * * *

By the way, I notice an interesting throw-away line in the linked article, regarding the outgoing senator. Her campaign, toward the end, was all about how conservative she is/was/will be. Uh-huh. The paper observes, "She was a quietly pro-choice moderate."

The majority, here - admittedly a slim one in the Anchorage area, but greater outside of this newcomer magnet - is pro-life & solidly conservative. Those who are not, like good libs everywhere, will try to cover up their lack of numbers by generating more noise ... but we've tired of the shrill shrieking of the left. If they don't like it here, they're welcome to return to California, or Oregon, or to whatever nanny-state from whence they came. We don't need 'em. What has already failed there isn't gonna work here. We don't need some johnny-come-lately from the Lower 48 trying to turn us into California North.

We don't care how they do it Outside; this is Alaska. We'll do it our way.


DR said...

They are trying to use the same excuse here. If we lose Feingold we lose our seniority. The problem is that Feingold uses that seniority to undermine the Republic and blow money we don't have; just like Washington it seems the media wants no accountability when the politicians match their politics.

Congratulations to Alaska. You guys now have a strict Constitutionalist in the general election.

Teresa said...

I didn't get to this earlier... can I tell you how much I LOATHE this argument! It was used continually in IL to keep Phil Crane (a bloated old crony Republican) in office for waaaaaay longer than he should have been. They kept using it to defeat contenders in the primary with the full cooperation of the press. (BAH!). Now they have some lib left wing witch in there - serves 'em right.

Cassie said...

Good for Alaska!! Hope your candidate creams the Dem in November.