15 November 2010

Back at Home, Back at Work

So here I am, back at the office. It's 20 degrees, the wind chill is in the single digits, and it was snowing sideways when I left for work this morning. But it's okay.

I had 8 days and 7 nights in Hawaii, and that's left me in a quite mellow mood. At least for today, I have the darkest natural tan in my building. *grins*

I see there's a meme developing about foregoing airline travel, at least during the holidays, in protest of the draconian TSA procedures. I've now been through TSA searches four times in the last month, but have not personally seen any abuses (beyond that which is now "normal" - and quite probably Unconstitutional by its very nature).

Those of us in Alaska are at a disadvantage, as air travel is most often the only practical way to travel to/from up here. Speaking for my family, we don't usually have the extra days necessary to drive down to the Lower 48 - it's a three-day drive to Seattle from Anchorage - and of course you can't drive to Hawaii, anyway. Your engine gets flooded...

Just the same, avoid air travel if you possibly can. It's time to let the airlines know we've had WAY too much of their Security Theater (which hasn't stopped a single terrorist attack, as far as I can tell).

It may take a couple of days for me to get back in the swing of things. It will take awhile to get all the photos edited, although I have a few ready to go. Come back a bit later today for those, if you're interested.

Aloha and mahalo for stopping by*.

*And that's all the Hawaiian lingo, I promise. I'm just trying to stretch that last day of vacation. :)


The Farmer said...

For the first three days I lived on Oahu I thought mahalo meant trash.

Rev. Paul said...

Now that's funny, right there. :)