09 January 2011

Walking on Sunshine - updated

Or rather, walking indoors because there's no sunshine ... or warmth ... or non-icy tracks.

We're trying something new today: since the middle school track we usually walk on is snow-covered during the winter, we decided to pay for the privilege of the indoor field at The Alaska Dome.

Anchorage has the largest air-supported dome in North America, with an Olympic-standard 400-meter track (from their website, the Dome is "601 ft. long by 290 ft. wide by 87.5 ft. tall").

And for those who just thought of the obvious question, there are snow sensors on the exterior, which heat the inside to melt snow to prevent the thing from collapsing. Rather an obvious development, if you think about it. Pity the Metrodome folks hadn't considered it.

Update: the field was crowded with at least a dozen soccer teams kicking balls in all directions, but it's completely enclosed in a floor-to-ceiling net. The track was all but unused, and we made the first mile in short order. It's definitely my new favorite walking spot ... for the winter, anyway. My goal is to be in shape for hiking trails, this summer.


Teresa said...

I need one of those... Not because of the cold, but simply because the roads around here are too dangerous to walk on in the evening.

Of course most everyone and their brother walks during the morning or the daylight hours which likely means the track is closed at night... LOL. But that's when I like to walk. It's very calming at the end of the day.

The Farmer said...

To cold to snowshoe today. At least 20 below windchills. In desperation I dug the treadmill out from under the pile of stuff. Then I tied the laptop to it so I could watch a movie while I walked. Not quite the same but its better than nothing.

joated said...

That is a way cool option you've got there.

Chef.In.Training - Sam said...

I have high hopes that using The Dome will help all of us get back in shape.

Maybe this summer I can get on my bike and NOT be gasping for air after only 10 minutes.

Cassie said...

Very cool! I didn't know this place existed. Getting ready for a triathlon Paul?