01 March 2011

Another Mystery Solved?

My daughters have cats. I like cats for the most part, and tolerate them the rest of the time. But one thing about felines of all stripes (bad pun alert) had puzzled me, along with other cat owners, for years.

Cats will fuss, scrape, push, nudge, and otherwise have a kittyfit when they encounter a closed door. However, opening the door for them is only a temporary solution, as they come from the other side & want it open again.

Careful consideration (note I didn't say "long" consideration) yields the following answer: cats don't want in OR out.  They want through.

h/t Joanna, whose posting reminded me of Simon's Cat


Murphy's Law said...

And that is why I have a dog...

threecollie said...

Great stuff!

joated said...

Right on! Cats see closed doors as obstacles to their domain...which is about any place they damn well want to go.