21 April 2011

Something After All

A poll released this week by Dittman Research suggests Alaskans have had it with Joe Miller, aren't crazy about Sarah Palin and are pretty happy with the congressional delegation, especially Lisa Murkowski.

The poll, of 400 Alaskans, was done March 3-17 and released by Dittman this week.
Let's see ... so Alaskans don't care for Miller or Palin - neither of whom is running for anything, so who cares? - but are "pretty happy" with the current delegation.
Apparently the pioneer blood has been successfully watered down by the transplants from the Left Coast.


TenMile said...

As much as I love Alaska, it is pretty cramped land available wise. Left coast folks like the tax structure, the state granted income, the BLM money flow and the Congressional proclivity of giving money to fisheries, gold mining claim grants, keeping a military, weather observation projects, college grants and . . . have I missed a couple income sources? Oh, lumber exports.

DR said...

That poll is pretty depressing.

I'm starting to think there's nowhere where liberty thrives anymore.

Rev. Paul said...

One bright spot to consider: the polling sample may well have been mostly confined to the Anchorage metro area. Farther away from town (and a cloister of nanny-statists in the Wasilla area), the folk are decidedly more independent.

Murphy's Law said...

You guys need to amend your Constitution to mandate that Cheechakos don't get to vote unless they're in the military, recently discharged from the military, or come from a red state and actually have a job. (Being a college student in Fairbanks isn't a job.)

Otherwise, you're on your way to becoming a colder version of Seattle.

Rev. Paul said...

ML - that would be a great idea. The only reason AK is even a state is because Congress granted the military folks the right to vote on statehood with us, back in '58. The locals, to hear them tell it, wanted to split off & become a separate nation.

Making newbies wait for the right to vote on State & local elections might just be a good idea. Obviously we couldn't deny them access to a national ballot under current federal laws.

On the other hand, if the secessionist attitude on places outside of Anchorage keeps growing, that could change.