09 April 2011

Time to Get Involved

Brigid sent me this link. It's time to put our money where our hearts are, folks. No one should have to go through this alone, and Pat left a young widow and children behind.

So a couple weeks ago, Pat caught a cold which was the norm when you have (3) kids at the ages of 2,4 and 6. Pat called out sick from work Thursday and Friday....canceled his plans with Viking Erik on Saturday. Hhmmm..... the dude must be sick to cancel a trip to go into New York City! So, Monday rolled around and Pat got an appointment with his doctor since he didn't get any better. Off to the doctor he went.....then immediately off to the hospital he went. Pat was severely dehydrated so they admitted him.....then Pat got quarantined. He wasn't getting better and all his organs started shutting down one by one.....and nobody knew why. By Tuesday, Pat passed away at the age of 31 leaving behind a widow with three young children.

You know what to do, friends.


North said...

Thank you, Rev!

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

Rev Paul....Thank you so much for reporting to duty when Brigid sent out her "SOS" call. This menas more to Pat's family and I, than I can even put into words. I've sent your blog link to Christi, Pat's wife so she can read everyone's comments. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Rev. Paul said...

LB, you're welcome. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do.