18 December 2011

NEWS FLASH: The Weather Is Unpredictable


This is the third consecutive weekend with high winds (55 mph gusting to 80 or higher) and temps in the 40s. The Weather Service has once again issued a high wind notice, warning us that we'll have hurricane force winds today, gusting above 100 mph on the hillside above town.

The current report is of strong gusts around Anchorage "from various directions", and the prognosticators have all but thrown their hands in the air. They don't know what's going to happen, and - in a refreshing move - are freely admitting it.

Batten down the hatches, folks. It's going to be another bumpy one.


Old NFO said...

You weren't on my flight were you??? :-) Hope you've got everything in/tied down...

ProudHillbilly said...

Picture native shaman shaking a rattle, dancing, and chanting. Even with all sorts of high tech equipment, that's still often weather prediction.