16 January 2012

Borepatch: Aux armes, citoyens!

Borepatch: Aux armes, citoyens!

Brad_In_MA emails to point out that Thursday is the anniversary of the epic screwing of TJIC by the People's Soviet of Massachusetts*. He has a call to action that is filled with win:
I propose a Jan 19 BUYcott of anything 2a related, in support of JTIC. Mind putting up such a post? I plan on getting a few targets and a brick of some .22lr range ammo for my ruger 22/45, aka Miss Cherry. The idea is to BUY something. Anything. Price does not matter. Quantity does not matter. In short, a simple request for a simple action to support a Brother in Need.
I would go one step further, and suggest a buycott (the opposite of a boycott, 'natch, where you purposely buy from someone as opposed to refusing to buy from them). As it turns out, TJIC is an entrepreneur, and has a company that makes this easy for everyone: Smartflix.

1 comment:

ProudHillbilly said...

Cool! And I need ammo and snap caps and targets anyway!