Our annual subzero spell continues; it was -14 at my place at 6:30 a.m. These temps are nothing compared to what's going on around much of the lands to the north, but it's cold enough. (The coldest temp I've personally experienced is the -27 we had one morning, a year ago.)
I know one guy in Fairbanks who not only uses a block heater for his truck, but also goes out a half-hour early to put a weed-burner under the engine compartment, while laying every quilt he owns across the hood. After 20 or 30 minutes, he can then start his truck. I'm grateful we don't have those extremes here.
He has also broken several tires (yes, that's the right verb) because rubber seams crack at -55 to -60.
* * * * *
I wrote yesterday about the 322"+ of snow in Valdez. I see this morning that they're offering $20.30/hour for snow shovelers. There was also a story on the radio about a guy who had to use his metal detector to locate his snow-thrower.
I've seen heavy snow like that on Adak Island (in the Aleutians), and it's fascinating to experience. Shoveling it ... not so much fun.
But, because of the day, there's this:
We have seen forty below here although thankfully, very, very thankfully, not in a good many years. In the eighties when I was working at a farm near here we had six inches of ice on the inside walls of our milking parlor from trying to wash up between milkings. I do not miss those days! Hope you are all staying warm!
Not many songs like this being produced anymore.
threecollie: -40 is nippy. That's a moderate day in Fairbanks (smile).
Duke: true. Back in the '80s, a twenty-something guy said to me, "You guys had better music in the '60s - it was about stuff." I knew exactly what he meant.
Got a call from my buddy at noon today. He was up near the cabin in the southwest Adirondacks over the weekend. He says it was -23 this morning when he went out to use his outhose. Decided to hold it until he got to work! Good thing. He might still be stuck to the seat...or worse.
As for the 322+ inches.... EEEEK!
I'll just say - wow.
joated: it's probably a good thing you finally got some winter weather, but -23 is pushing it on the comfort scale. Your buddy exercised good judgment, IMHO.
Stephen: you betcha!
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