09 January 2012

Gota keep on rollin'

Nothing much happening this morning, other than the same old, same old.

I haven't said anything recently about new followers, but want to welcome them to my little corner of the intarwebz. Welcome to caterina serra, Casey, Bragon Dorn, lisa.berry01, The Simple Woman, dakotas5, 45er, Well Seasoned Fool, and ShallNotBeInfringed.

I'm mulling details for the next chapter of "MHI Alaska: A Dish Served Cold", so there's that to look forward to ... if you've been among those who read it.

Thanks for stopping by. Oh ... and bonus points for anyone who guesses the origin of the title of this post.


Old NFO said...

It's too early in the morning for me to think... :-) Awaiting the next chapter though!

45er said...

Glad to swing by. It's a warm, chilly place. :)

Anonymous said...

Can't figure out the title question.

Richard said...

Hoyt Axton song.

Rev. Paul said...

The song with the spelling of "Gota" rather than Gotta in the lyrics was "Keep on Rollin'" by Edgar Winter. But Richard gets 10,000 internet points for coming close. He wins!