19 June 2013

If It Ain't One Thing

... it's another.

This time of year, we have LOTS of Canadian geese in these parts. Now a mama goose with more enthusiasm than caution has built a nest on the roof of my building, and has four or five young-uns starting their walkabouts today.

Problem: geese don't feed their young. The goslings are able to feed themselves after about 24 hours, and these won't be able to get off the roof to find food and water. (It's a flat roof with a 30" parapet.)

I've called the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Migratory Bird Management program, and hopefully they'll take an interest in relocating mama & kids to some other location. Meanwhile, my janitor & I are placing a large shallow tray of water about 30 feet from the nest, in hopes the goslings can get to it.

And to think ... I never knew my job description included "watering the geese."

UPDATE: U.S. Fish & Wildlife is sending a couple of 'bird rescuers' to move the goslings to the nearby wetlands. Problem solved. :)


Anonymous said...

You know, I miss a goose in the morning...
Wait! What?



Rev. Paul said...

gfa: down, boy. ;^)

Murphy's Law said...

That which you do for the least of His creations...

Rev. Paul said...

Indeed, ML. Indeed. :)

Cathy said...

Awwww . . . bless you Rev. Paul. Awwwww . . .:)

Rev. Paul said...

Shucks, Cathy, 't weren't nuthin'.