You know how certain websites for new/used cars have a "compare" feature, where you can list the specs for two or more models side-by-side?
Wouldn't it be cool if someone did that for firearms?
Now they do, at a site called
I don't have a dog in this hunt, but it's being developed by a fellow Whovian. How could I refuse?
p.s. They've offered me nothing but a brief conversation about which Doctor I like best. So there.
That is truly going to stir the pot... LOL
David Tennant, of course!
NFO, agreed. And that's a GOOD thing.
Spikessib, welcome - and agreed!
Tennant is the best of these "new" Doctors, but Peter Davidson was the best of the old ones.
Law, I agree with you about Tennant. I liked Pertwee, Baker & Davison about the same.
I also like Eccleston more now than I did at first. When I go back & watch his season, he grows on me (and no, not like a fungus). :)
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