28 October 2015

Police Blotter: Don't Choke Your Mother

Officers were asked to speak to an intoxicated and surly would-be passenger at the airport, who had been denied boarding and had subsequently threatened an airline employee. The drunk claimed he had been treated poorly by staff at the airport.

Suspicious Person/Activity
A driver left his vehicle parked in the middle of the roadway while he investigated the interior of a salmonberry thicket. The driver told an officer that other people had left their vehicles in the same location, so he assumed parking in the roadway was acceptable.

Disorderly Conduct
An intoxicated man with a $337 bar tab refused to pay his bill and instead returned to his hotel room and passed out. After officers arrived he attempted to pay with an $8000 check, which could not be accepted. The inebriate was allowed to stay the night, to be evicted in the morning.

Liquor Law Violation
[A man], 46 yoa, who had been earlier informed he was too intoxicated to remain on a licensed premise, returned to said licensed premise and was subsequently arrested for Drunken Person on Licensed Premise. While being handcuffed, [he] dropped a container which was retrieved by a bystander and turned over to police; the marijuana found in the container gained [him] an additional charge of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance VI.

Liquor Law Violation
Acting on a tip from another patron, an officer checked the Harbor View Bar bathroom and found a pair of blue Converse shoes and associated body parts sticking out of a bathroom stall. The drunk to which the shoes were attached eventually stumbled out of the stall and was advised he was not allowed to remain on the premises.

Welfare Check
Officers checked on a man running back and forth across the roadway and found a mildly intoxicated young man who said he was enjoying the wet and windy weather and was walking to his brother's vessel.

Suspicious Person/Activity
Officers found a drunk attempting to summit a processing plant building. The drunk, who had appeared to be talking to someone already on top of the building, denied that he had any companions.

Assistance Rendered
An elder phoned again to request assistance with her inebriated, belligerent and generally antagonistic son. The son was provided with transport to a hotel for the night, and was strongly dissuaded from choking his mother.


Old NFO said...

The strange... sigh...

Rev. Paul said...

Agreed, NFO. The loss of control brought on by booze & drugs is tragic.

Ed Bonderenka said...

You are a stranger in a strange land.

Rev. Paul said...

Ed, that's quite true.

Chickenmom said...

Always a good ending when sneakers are found still attached to body parts...

Rev. Paul said...

Chickenmom - it certainly beat the alternative. :)

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Imagine the chaos if Unalaska decided to be a dry village.

Rev. Paul said...

WSF - that would not be a wise decision on the part of whatever city council they have there. It would probably have to be put to a vote, anyway, and that won't happen.