02 November 2015

Monday Again: Ice, Accidents, and Other Winter Fun

The threatened four inches of snow (not a lot by Alaskan standards) turned into a one-inch reality, but the ground's still warm. That means lots of slip-sliding on the paved surfaces .. and probably on the grassy areas, too, but I don't aim to find out.
UPDATE 11:20 a.m.:  Icy roads have led to more than 80 collisions this morning, with the Anchorage School District canceling after-school activities and some commuters forced to stay home.

Those who have procrastinated when it comes to having snow tires put on their vehicles (an annual event in Alaska, called "changeover" - happens in the spring, too) are lined up around the block at the bigger tire shops, Sam's Club, Costco, et cetera. With more snow in the forecast for the coming week, it's time to get 'er done. :)

The morning news looks like the usual: this or that legislator or assembly-person, caught influencing something-or-other, and ... and ...

Yawn. It's too routine to even merit mention. That's the shamiferous part of it (with apologies to Isaac Asimov, from whom I borrowed the word).

But it's Monday, and the future awaits. Make it a good one!


Old NFO said...

Yep, Monday with a vengeance!

Rev. Paul said...

And it bit bunch of folks, today.

Cathy said...

Stay safe! And please keep that whir stuff over your way :)

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Cathy. We'll take all we can get. :)

Sandy Livesay said...

Rev. Paul,

Your police/state troopers must have their hands full with all the calls for service relating to accidents.

Be safe when driving in this weather.

Rev. Paul said...

Sandy, it's normally not this bad; we don't get much ice up here. That's the problem, along with the fact that so many hadn't put winter tires on, yet.