09 May 2016

Closing Day

I think I need to stretch my fingers ...


ProudHillbilly said...

Ah, yes. The fun of paperwork day.

Anonymous said...

Just went through this with Mom and Dad's house.
Since they had a TOD (Transfer on Death) to myself and 3 sister's (one deceased so went to Nephew and Niece) meant we all became owners (and spouses) and we all had to sign every scrap of paper...Plus we are scattered about the USA.
All worked out in the end and I trust yours will go smoother...

Rev. Paul said...

PH, I know it's a lot of signing, but we're ready.

mm, the advent of e-signing, etc, has made things much easier. But yes, we'll all be in the same room for this one. :)

Ed Bonderenka said...

When I was going to our closing, we discovered that my wife had double entered a deposit in our checking account leaving us short.
Scrounged it up.
Then when we got to the closing, there had been a drop in rates overnight meaning a lot of whiteout and a lot of initials.

Rev. Paul said...

Ed, that would leave me wondering if CPR would be needed. :/ But since they owe us money, we just have to show up & sign the forms.

A drop in rates would be okay, though.

Peter said...

Yes, Miss D. and I went through this just a few months ago. I think the writer's cramp has mostly worn off by now . . . mostly . . .


Rev. Paul said...

Peter, even the writer's cramp will be worth it.

SENIOR said...

Better you than me, still recovering from my last one. Yep, my last one. Enjoy the day.

Rev. Paul said...

Senior, at my age, I suspect this will be my last move, as well. Thanks.

drjim said...

Hard to think of a nicer way to get writer's cramp....

Rev. Paul said...

It really wasn't bad, Jim. But yes, it's all for a good cause.