09 May 2016

It's Ours

The closing documents took only 25 minutes. Deed will be recorded first thing tomorrow, and then the moving begins.  😊


Old NFO said...

Woo Hoo! Let the 'fun' begin! :-)

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Excellent! Congratulations!

Matt said...

Very good, Sir. Congrats!

Be careful and don't over do it on the physical stuff.

Max said...

Congrats to you both!

threecollie said...


Borepatch said...


Rev. Paul said...

NFO - it has already begun. Both SUVs are crammed to the gills with kitchen stuff & food. And a new office ceiling light, and a new leaf blower, and ...

TB, Matt, Max, threecollie, and BP - thank you very much. :)

ProudHillbilly said...

Wooton! Congratulations!

Ed Bonderenka said...

I'd help you move, but I'm busy that day.

ProudHillbilly said...

That's supposed to be "woot". Stupid autocorrect.

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, PH.

Ed, I understand. ;^)

On a Wing and a Whim said...

Congrats! Woohoo! Enjoy the heck out of it!

...and make sure the coffeemaker's plugged in, and the ibuprofin next to it. Important things!

Rev. Paul said...

Wing - thank you for the reminder about the ibuprofen. The coffeemaker will be set up & programmed this afternoon. :)

drjim said...


Now to turn your new "house" into your new "home"!

Rev. Paul said...

We're a-workin' on it. :^)

Samrobb said...

Congratulations, sir :-)

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, sir.