12 May 2016

First Night: AAR

So yesterday after work, it turned into a 9 1/2-hour marathon of carrying beds up and down multiple flights of stairs, moving a ton of brass and lead, and the assorted hardware associated with that weight. And there were several dozen boxes of varying sizes and weights.

75 miles of driving, three round trips, and lots and LOTS of boxes.

We got the last bed assembled at 23:30 last night. And I tell you what: pushing all those beds up two flights of stairs got old long before the task was done. Of course, the furniture won't be delivered to the new place until tomorrow, so we've no place to sit except the hearth. By midnight, even that stone ledge felt better than standing around the kitchen.

And boy, did that bed feel good by the time we were able to unwind and fall into it, at 00:30.

So, the after-action report? No traffic noise, no barking downs, no loud neighbors. Just chirping birds right before the alarm went off at 04:30.

This morning, I hurt in places I'd forgotten I had. I'm tired enough that the first two cups of coffee left me a bit nauseous. But I'm going to have another anyway.


drjim said...

Just be careful and don't overdo it!

Matt said...

I'd have been glad to help but you'd have not like my brand of supervising... :)

Chickenmom said...

Ah, moving! We arrived here with the moving van at 11:30PM. It was a loooong night!

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Reverend Paul, the last move we made it was just The Ravishing Mrs. TB and myself to move everything except the super heavy furniture. I believe we were out of the house at 0400.

Please tell me you do not have a 75 one-way trip to work....

Old NFO said...

Rev- Patience... :-) And don't be stupid and try to do it all yourself. That hurts!

Rev. Paul said...

All: thank you. I admitted to myself and family going in that I don't even pretend to be Superman anymore. I do what I can, and the rest is up to them. As my oldest once said, adulting is hard.

Word. :)