06 May 2016

The Reason For Traffic Cones


SENIOR said...

I was just down in the garden with the tractor and that's about how the garden is right now. We have had some rain here. It might be next week till I can get in there

Rev. Paul said...

That's not a "moron" thing when it's your garden & mud, but BTDT ... no fun.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Should have turned off the traction control. Might have made it.

Old NFO said...

Ye ghads...

Rev. Paul said...

WSF, I should have mentioned that it's from Jefferson County, MO, yesterday. There are plenty of jokes about Jeffco drivers, in the St. Louis area, and this amply illustrates why.

NFO, I know. There had to be a point at which yon moron drove through, or around, orange cones to get into that lane. And there will be some very, VERY unhappy MoDOT workers on his trail.