13 October 2017

Happy Birthday U.S.N.

The United States Navy is 242 years old today. Some of us older salts (cough, ahem) have certificates awarded when she turned 200. Never mind how long ago that was, despite the relatively easy math involved. Sorry, kids, it's not Common Core, so perhaps easy only to your parents. But I digress.

While the Pacific fleet hasn't exactly covered itself in glory lately, The Navy is still an organization in which I was proud and honored to serve.

This poster was much in evidence in the '70s, and adorned almost every Navy office I ever entered.

So "Happy birthday!" to our sailors of whatever age or era. 'Tis a proud tradition you uphold, and we're proud of you.


LindaG said...

Happy birthday to the Navy!

I hope the Navy has fared better with political correctness than other branches. I know when airmen vandalize a church, it bothers me that that is the caliber of person the Air Force is recruiting.

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Linda.

We can only hope; all of the Navy's recent troubles seem to be from the top down, rather from the lower rates. I have no idea what those USAF airmen were thinking.

Rob said...

I never served in the Navy, I did attend NAVY JROTC in high school. My closest friends are from that time in my life. We did take day cruises. 3 classmates went Navy/Marines. Our Senior Instructor was a Mustang Officer, who was at Pearl (enlisted) on 12/7/41. USS Nevada. Oh the stories he told us. LCDR Johnson has had a positive effect on all of us. No Sports Heroes for us that's for sure.

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, Rob. I met a few old sailors like LCDR Johnson, and they all left indelible memories.