08 October 2017

Just Because: Alaska Scenery

"Super moon" rising over the Chugach Mtns, a couple of years ago.

Matanuska Glacier valley

Bald eagle on the beach at Homer, AK.

Moose's Tooth Mountain, Chugach Range

Me at the range after getting a new pistol for Christmas, some years ago.
Temp was around -5°, if memory serves.

Heading north on the Glen Highway, somewhere between Anchorage and Eagle River, AK.

Chugach Mtns, along the Glen Highway.

The Alaska Range, at extreme telephoto: Mt. Foraker (17,400 ft), Mt. Hunter (14,573 ft),
and Denali (20,310 ft) from left to right.

Mt. Spurr (active volcano) in the Tordrillo Range, 75 miles west of Anchorage. Last eruption was in 1992.

Chugach Mtns, from Anchorage
Standard issue grizzly bear, one each

Northern lights

Trans-Alaska Pipeline, somewhere in the Interior

Rainbow in the flats near the Talkeetna Mtns

Small boat harbor, Seward, AK

Pic from Fairbanks, AK, several years ago

Approaching Hatcher Pass

The Seward Highway, Kenai Peninsula, AK


OldAFSarge said...


I've got to get up there some day.

Rev. Paul said...

Come on up, Sarge; you'll never regret it. And the first round's on me.

drjim said...

Great pix!

I'm going to take a few today to post.

Sure is nice living in God's Country!

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Jim. I look forward to seeing your new "back yard". And yes - yes, it is!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I'll always treasure my times in Alaska and the memories. Prudhoe Bay, Kodiak, Homer, Craig, Angoon, and others. Doubt age and health will allow me to return, sigh.

Rev. Paul said...

WSF, I understand that. If we hadn't moved up here when we did (15 yrs ago), I don't know that I'd want to try now.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Did that bullet freeze and fall to the ground before reaching the target?

threecollie said...

Gorgeous! I can see why you like it there. Except the 55 below business. And the bears. lol

LindaG said...

Lots of great photos, Parson. Thank you!

LindaG said...

I mean, Reverend. ^_^*

Rev. Paul said...

No, Ed ... strangely enough. :)

threecollie, the beauty surrounds us, year 'round. -50 is a bit painful, though.

Thanks, Linda. And I'll answer to almost anything.

Sandy Livesay said...


Great pictures, thank you for sharing :-)

Rev. Paul said...

I'm glad you liked them, ma'am.