Liquor Law Violation
A highly intoxicated [male], 23 yoa, was arrested for Drunken Person on Licensed Premise after he returned only moments after being advised he was not allowed to do so.
Public Safety
Caller reported two men walking in the roadway on the South Channel Bridge, creating a hazardous situation for both themselves and passing motorists. An officer contacted the men and suggested they use the sidewalk conveniently located next to the roadway.
An inebriated woman who was refused service due to her level of intoxication threw water on the doorman and then repeatedly attempted to strike him while lacing her vituperative remarks with derogatory racial epithets. [She] was arrested on charges of Disorderly Conduct and Assault IV.
Officers investigated a report that a man had been injured in an altercation, and found that the injured man had provoked the argument by taunting and then striking a man much larger than himself. A single blow from his would-be victim ended the argument. [He was] charged with Assault IV.
PC Alcohol
An extraordinarily intoxicated man who was unable to stand or walk without assistance was taken into protective custody after he told officers he thought he was in California and did not know how he got there.
Public Safety
Officer advised an intoxicated man who had swayed from a bar to his car that he should not drive and would be arrested if he did so. The inebriate complained about being treated unfairly.
Suspicious Person/Liquor Law Violation
Officers responded to a report that a group of men were damaging a small trailer and discovered that one young man, having had an unpleasant phone call with his girlfriend, had “accidentally” punched the trailer. Damage to the trailer was minor. One young man was cited for Minor in Possession after officers discovered that the intoxicated man who had punched the trailer was underage.
Drunk Disturbance
Caller reported three drunks stumbling, shouting and urinating in, on and about Airport Beach Road. An officer located the drunks and advised them of the various safety problems and legal issues associated with their behavior.
Public Safety
Caller reported an intoxicated male at the Unalaska Visitor Center. Officers responded and contacted the subject who said he was trying to purchase an Alaska flag. Officer advised the subject to go home and return when he sobers up. Subject complied.
Suspicious Person/Activity
Officers responded to faint cries for help at the CEM dock. Upon arrival Officers observed an individual in the water, under the dock, sitting on a float. Officers were able to extricate the subject who was later determined to be inebriated. The subject said he wanted to go for a swim, jumped in off the dock and somehow ended up under the dock. Ambulance responded and subject signed a refusal form.
Suspicious Person/Activity
An itinerant told police that the sounds of sex in the parking lot in which he was sleeping had kept him awake for at least five hours. When he tried to locate the source of the sounds, disembodied voices began calling him a pervert and threatening to kill him, all of which he believed was in reference to the pornography he had earlier viewed on the library computer. The itinerant later advised an officer that he thought the voices were probably just in his head, and that he planned to attend Bible study in the morning.
Definitely a strange bunch you shared with us today, Reverend. :-)
Back when they were publishing weekly, Linda, they were always strange, but usually amusing.
Sigh... I really miss them...
I do too, NFO. Fortunately, all the old reports are archived.
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