31 May 2018

God's Word for Thursday, 5/31/18 & an Anniversary

On this day in 1980, my lovely fiancée became my wife. 38 years and counting!

* * * * *

But now for something even more important:

"And then this: We can tell you with complete confidence—we have the Master’s word on it—that when the Master comes again to get us, those of us who are still alive will not get a jump on the dead and leave them behind. In actual fact, they’ll be ahead of us. The Master himself will give the command. Archangel thunder! God’s trumpet blast! He’ll come down from heaven and the dead in Christ will rise—they’ll go first. Then the rest of us who are still alive at the time will be caught up with them into the clouds to meet the Master. Oh, we’ll be walking on air! And then there will be one huge family reunion with the Master. So reassure one another with these words."

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (MSG)


Borepatch said...

Congrats to you and Mrs. Rev Paul!

LindaG said...

Such a wonderful message to the believers!

And congratulations to you both, Reverend! May God bless you with many years, or eternity, together. <3

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, BP!

Thanks, Linda. :)

Ed Bonderenka said...

Job well done!

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Congratulations! Love the moustache!

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Ed.

Thank you, TB. The moustache was a fixture until about 1993, when it turned white. :/