19 November 2018

The Police Blotter is Back, But the Humor is Gone

As long-time readers will know, the Unalaska Police Blotter was a favorite read because of the wry interpretation given it by the Sergeant, now Deputy Chief, who relayed it.

They started publishing it again, earlier this year. But the particular slant is gone.

Here's an example of the old blotter: 
Domestic Disturbance -- Officers responded to another household of dipsomaniacs, wherein one drunken male landlord was upset about the way his inebriated female tenant kept the common areas of the house. The two residents and the woman's guest continued to yell at one another from behind closed doors but indicated that their dispute was no more than verbal.

And here's the current version, for comparison:
Drunk Disturbance--Local worker reported that he was being harassed by an intoxicated coworker.  Complainant stated that he had already reported an incident to his employer but they have not done anything to resolve it.  Officers advised suspect not to have contact with complainant or he could be charged with harassment.

In short, the spin - and the fun - is gone.

But can we find the original spin, if we look hard enough? Well, sort of:
Suspicious Person/Activity — A Patrol Sergeant observed a vehicle with several white exterior lights illuminated.  A security check in the area of the vehicle observed no people, but instead a stealthy rat scampered in the direction of a garbage-filled dumpster.

The rat apparently had no lights, illuminated or otherwise.

Unfortunately, a perusal of the next several months' blotters revealed no further humor. No references to sots, dipsomaniacs, nor humorously confused individuals were found.

It seems that the Blotter, once a source of rich amusement and wry social commentary, is no more. 


Suz said...


LindaG said...

Indeed. Bummer.
If it were the lower 48, I might think someone complained about all the political incorrectness of the old one...

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

All good things must end...

Old NFO said...

Sigh... We miss her 'commentary'...

Ed Bonderenka said...

I always found it funny and sad.
Like the rest of life :)