25 February 2019

Maxine on Winter


Suz said...

Yes, it is cold here again today...was 10* this morning, and is now all the way up to 15*, but the thing that bothers me most, other than ice, is the wind. It blew like crazy ALL day and ALL last night, and most of the night before, sustained at 30ish, with gusts up to 63mph.

So, on my home-work list is the new entry of pick up sticks. All the hay fields will need to be walked and cleaned up...sigh...

Of course, none of that will happen until the snow melts. We still have about a foot out there, with more in the way today, and 4-6 supposed to come on Wednesday.

And, thank goodness for large blessings, we did not lose power. It flickered pretty hard once, but came right back on. Yea!!

I would put on Maxine's earmuffs as I am tired of hearing folks say "Well, it is February. The worst is over. Spring should be here any day." To which I always say "Uh, no. It is only February. There are more months of winter to go. And, lots of time we get snow in April as well. With killing frosts in the beginning of May". Which is why we don't plant any garden stuff until Memorial Day.

Rev. Paul said...

Suz, I'm glad all y'all are surviving the latest round of winter. Regarding the "winter is nearly over" comments from others, I could have written the thing you said, too. I got an e-mail from Lowe's (or was it Home Depot? No matter...) yesterday trumpeting the "latest tools for prepare your yard for Spring!"

My yard is under a thick carpet of snow, and will remain so for at least another couple of months. Then, and only then, will we be able to repair all the eruptions which occurred in the Nov. earthquake. Mowing the grass won't be until late May or early June; it'll take that long for the ground to thaw.

LindaG said...

My Mom's weather sounds like Suz.

We are supposed to get some cold weather again, too. But not like you all.

You all be safe and God bless.

Rev. Paul said...

Linda, it's been far colder in the Lower 48 this winter than it has here. Our winter's been fairly mild, but at least it's winter. You stay warm down there.