21 March 2019

Prayer Requested for President Trump

Robin Johnson Ministries
March 8 at 6:12 PM

Here is the dream I had concerning President Donald Trump. I'm not going to attempt to interpret this dream. Nor am I seeking to be political. I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. I vote across party lines for the candidates that I perceive best represent Biblical Christian values. Those values are freedom of Worship, Pro-Life and Pro-Israel. I also support Non-Globalist who are Nationalist and put America first .

In my dream I saw President Trump pressed up against a veil that looked like a silver sheet.
(It reminded me of HDan Solo frozen in Carbonite, in Star Wars.)

I could see the outline of his entire face and body standing with his hands reaching into this veil, but unable to penetrate it. It was as though he was trying to press through into the next level or next room, but this thin sheet was preventing him.

On the other side of this veil was the head of a huge lion. It was hideous. The mouth of this lion began to spew out hundreds dark entities that clung to the veil from the other side. They seemed to apply themselves to this veil and help thicken the fabric.

I heard a voice in my dream speak up: If My Church does not began to pray for the President the enemy will defeat him before he can be re-elected.

I immediately began to pray and suddenly I could hear many other voices join in with mine praying for the President.

I then saw an arm with a solid white sleeve reach through this veil and cover the mouth of the lion.

I also heard a very loud voice quoting Daniel 6:22 My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions.

They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.

President Trump will be re-elected in a landslide IF THE CHURCH PRAYS. And he will be found innocent in multiple attempts to sabotage his re-election IF THE CHURCH STANDS IN THE GAP.

We The Church need to pray against the attacks launched against our POTUS. The Globalist agenda is to implement a One World Religion, Currency and Government. The Sovereignty of America is restraining the spirit of Antichrist which is already at work.

There are two dominante spirits at work here: the spirits of antichrist and Jezebel.

President Trump has the anointing of Jehu and of Cyrus to stand against the enemy. But only if the Church understands our role and begins to pray against these forces that seek to turn our Country into a Globalized society that has no Sovereign Rights. We must remain One Nation under GOD.

Robin Johnson Prophetic Ministries

p.s. Remember that the Bible commands us to pray for our leaders: "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."  (1 Timothy 2:1-2 KJV)

And the prayers for our leaders are not just for them: "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn". (Proverbs 29:2 KJV)

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