23 March 2021

Every 172 Years



ProudHillbilly said...

Excellent video. I've been telling people for decades that the earth is in constant flux and the fact that they want things to be the same at all times is irrelevant to nature.

Rev. Paul said...

You're right, of course. To paraphrase Michael Crichton, if the history of the planet were a 24-hour dial, humanity would only have appeared in the last 1/1000th of a second. He went on to say, in Jurassic Park, that we don't have the power to destroy the planet. We might, however, have the power to destroy ourselves.

I don't plan to aid the effort.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

might, however, have the power to destroy ourselves.

Might? You are optimistic, IMO. It would be interesting to see if social mores parallel the climate. Maybe the Lord's way of correcting human errors?

Rev. Paul said...

WSF, that line is from Jurassic Park. But in the Old Testament, the Lord allowed all manner of weather-related calamities to befall the Israelites when they strayed from His commandments. No reason to think He would treat the U.S. differently.

LindaG said...

Australia is having some flooding.
People have said that Greenland is melting.

But I agree that there have been many ups and downs for heat and ice.
Throw in the magnetic poles changing and the shift in the Earth's axis a few years back and the climate is bound to change.

And we puny humans can do nothing despite the ignorance of the demonrats.

Rev. Paul said...

Very well said, Linda.

Old NFO said...

Good video!

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, NFO. If it saves even one head full of mush ... yada, yada.

Ed Bonderenka said...

I don't get it.
Here in Michigan the winters have been getting milder for years.

Rev. Paul said...