22 March 2021

Just Don't Drop the Remote



Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

That would make me more than nervous.

An interesting novelty, but I wonder if it is anything more than that.

Rev. Paul said...

It has a much longer flight time than the old jet packs. It could lead to improvements, or to a quick crackdown from the gummint. Even money?

LindaG said...

That's pretty awesome! But I'd be the one going upside down and every which way, haha.
Even with the controller velcroed to my glove!

Rev. Paul said...

Linda, I think the real secret is that most of us would be upside from the get-go. But I'd still like to try.

ProudHillbilly said...

And on that note, happy 90th birthday Captain Kirk!

Old NFO said...

Heh, yes, THAT could make it interesting... especially if a 5 year old found it! :-)

Rev. Paul said...

PH - I missed that. He’s been a remarkable icon.

NFO- I don’t think I’d set foot on the thing without the remote in my hand. Trust someone else to direct it? No, thank you!