05 September 2023

Objects in Mirror Are Closer ... Well, You Know

 Okay, third time's a charm ... stupid corporate 'puters at work won't let me save this text. Typed it twice already, so here we go:

Winter is coming. No, that's not a blurb for yet another go-round of Game of Thrones.

Our leaves began falling promptly on August 1st this year, which is not an encouraging sign. We've had snow on the nearby mountains, down to about the 5,000 foot mark - twice in the last week. And it was only 41° here this morning.

This is our fourth consecutive colder-than-normal "summer" season, with LOTS of rain since around the 1st of May. I think we've had 23 days of 70°+ weather this year, in total. I don't have the season's total rainfall in front of me, but 2023 is in the top 5 or 6 wettest summers on record. 

We had 70 mph winds that lasted for nearly 24 hours, last week, and lost yet another tall tree. It's worth noting that we purchased this place, some 7 years ago, largely because of it was heavily-wooded (emphasis on was). But now we've lost roughly 40% of the trees which were here. 

Between the 7.2-magnitude 'quake in 2018, a complete septic system replacement, and lots of heavy rains/snows and wind, there's a lot more daylight - and correspondingly less privacy - than when we moved in. I have faith that God knows exactly what He's doing, and this is not a complaint. Rather, think of it as a chronicling of what's happened during our tenure. 

And then there's this: fireweed, a fairly-reliable indicator of each upcoming winter's snowfall, is signaling another year of heavy snow. Well, okay then. 

I have a large snowblower, and am in better health now than I have been for several years. Bring it.


Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Reverend Paul, I never thought about when Winter starts so far North (although I am thinking about it now). Late August/Early September just seems too darn early for me. Best of luck!

(Bummer about the trees. We have lost a fair amount as well from the wind and snows and drought).

Rev. Paul said...

TB, we have long noticed that our winter season begins about six weeks sooner, and ends about six weeks later here than in the central U.S. where we once lived. That's roughly three months longer for our winter season.

LindaG said...

We finally got about 15 minutes of rain. Thank you, Lord.
Supposed to be 100 again today, but they measure the temp at the airport, which is just messed up, to me.

Glad the post finally worked, Reverend.
You all be safe and God bless.

Howard Brewi said...

Over here at Kenny Lake in the Copper Basin we missed a lot of your rain. Had 16 straight days in late July, early August with hchs above 78! Mountains with snow, check, haven’t had a hard freeze yet but fireweed has been done for two weeks. Lots of clouds and showers the las 2 weeks. Lost a lot of trees too!

Rev. Paul said...

Howard, it's nice to hear from you. We found out yesterday that we have another nine trees, including the one which blew over, to be removed. Thank God we have the resources to cover the bill!

There was termination dust down to the 3,000 ft mark yesterday. It seems that winter is rushing to get here. I just hope the leaves come down before we get a heavy/wet snowfall. That's what took out a bunch of trees a few years ago, not to mention a bunch of power lines.

drjim said...

We also had an unusually cool and WET Summer. Our historical yearly rainfall is 15.8", and we had that by August this year. Lat year we had a very mild winter. I don't recall getting more than 6~8" in one snowfall. My Big Ol' Ariens Deluxe 24 just laughed at it. I didn't even burn out a full tank of gas! The natives here are saying we had an El Nino Summer, which *generally* means lots of snow.

Now that my hip has healed, and I'm recovering nicely from a "Cardiac Insult" as my Doctor called it, I'm up for seeing if the Ariens lives up to it's name, The King of Snow!

Rev. Paul said...

drjim, I'm glad to hear that you're recovering nicely from recent events. I've never had a reason to regret my Ariens Deluxe 30, and I doubt you will, either. We frequently get snows in the 26" to 28" depth, and mine laughs at them, too. Yours will continue to laugh. :)

drjim said...

Oh, yeah! It's a big, brawny beats, and SLW thought it was "too big", but when I can clear the driveway and sidewalks of 8" of snow in about 20 minutes, I'd say it was just about the "right" size.