21 February 2024

Clearing Tabs

For those of you following Dutch Sheets' daily "Give Him 15" lessons and prayers, click here. This one is pretty important.

The 2024 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is about to begin:

Meet the Mushers

IMPORTANT DATES (times in AK time zone)
- Mushers Banquet: Feb 29th @ 6:00pm
- Ceremonial Start: Mar 2nd @10:00am
- Official Restart: Mar 3rd @ 2:00pm

What to expect at this year's Fur Rendezvous (the "Rondy").


LindaG said...

I found today's GH15 very interesting, indeed.
Lord keep all the mushers safe.

And you all be safe and God bless.

Ed Bonderenka said...

We had a Fur Rendezvous here is Ypsi. Not quite the same, but quite satisfying.

Rev. Paul said...

Thanks, Linda. :)

Ed, I'm glad you liked your local event. You really should come up for the Alaskan version. You might even convince this old sourdough to show you around. :)