20 February 2024

Iditarod Update

Reigning Iditarod rookie of year disqualified from 2024 race


Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Wow, Reverend. There is no reference to what called for the disqualification in the article - any idea?

Rev. Paul said...

TB, there's no official reason given, even on their website. It's just an unspecified "personal behavior" issue. Having said that, I'm sure the rumor mill is already in motion. :)

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

I guess I am used to sports organizations completely ignoring "behavior". The fact that this got jumped on so quickly and publicly is surprising. The cynical side of me, of course, wonders if it was really merited...

Rev. Paul said...

This is an extremely rare occurrence, so I'd guess it's warranted indeed.