06 February 2024

Just a Little More Snow

We were supposed to get 3" to 6" of new snow a couple of days ago. We got 8", which is fairly typical for snowfall this year, i.e., more arrives than was predicted.

That puts us at somewhat over 115" of snow so far this winter. The Anchorage area set a record for getting to the 100" mark quicker than ever before. Please note that "more than 100 inches" isn't a record; not even close. We routinely go over that amount.

So the snow fell on Saturday night and Sunday morning, then redeveloped Sunday afternoon. I was planning to run the snowblower Sunday evening, but a friend offered to bring his company's snowplow over and do it for me on Monday.

Well, sure! Why not? Except he didn't show up yesterday, as promised. I don't know what's happened, but suspect that perhaps the owner of the plow had other ideas.  

So I ran the snowblower tonight after work, and got it done in fairly short order. Ah well, people are fallible and stuff happens.

Anyway, the driveway is cleared, and the berms are gone. Also, the three weeks of subzero weather is  past, and we approach normal winter temps. Kind of nice when the heat output matches the setting on the thermostats, instead of lagging well below them.

Life is good here at the ol' homestead. :)


LindaG said...

Glad to hear things are going well, Reverend.

How is your friend MoBro doing?

You all be safe and God bless.

Old NFO said...

Glad y'all are doing okay!