23 February 2024

This and That

Marked! As Dutch Sheets says, don't try to convince me of the modern "woke" ideas about politics, society, or God's active presence and actions in our times. You're too late to convince me that I'm mistaken; I've seen too much. :)

The Iditarod Committee disqualified former champion Brent Sass from this year's race. It's for the same, unspecified reason as that which occurred earlier this week with another racer. One would think that, sooner or later, more details will be released.

While other cities reduce or defund their police departments, Anchorage seems to be stepping up. They've added a permanent foot patrol to the downtown area.

Here's the line-up of things to do, see, or experience at this year's Fur Rondy in Anchorage.

1 comment:

LindaG said...

Thank you, Reverend.