22 May 2024

Winter and Spring and Other Things

 ... are fighting for supremacy. We've had temps in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, but not in that order. On four of the last eight days, we've had steady rains. In three of those, we've also had hail and strong winds.

We're still getting lows in the mid-30s, intermixed with lows in the mid-40s. And of course, there's still snow on the ground in shady, north-facing areas.

Three weeks ago, we had a foot of snow on the ground in our yard. Now we have leaves on the trees, the grass is greening up, and there are weeds a foot tall.

So we're going to put the cushions on the deck furniture on Friday evening, and this weekend we'll sit out on the deck. Even if we have to wear jackets. And perhaps Spring will be convinced to plow ahead by our stubbornness and resiliency. 

Or it won't. :)

On the home front, my wife's cast was removed three weeks ago, and she's been going to physical therapy twice weekly since then. She gets around the house pretty well in her sock feet, but still wears a walking boot and cane when outside.

She also tripped over one of the cats yesterday morning and fell down, twisting the ankle a bit. There's no apparent damage nor lasting effects other than some residual soreness. In her defense, the cat decided to lie down and roll over onto its back as D approached.

So life goes on up here. We're starting to get out and about a bit more, including booking a trip to a Navy reunion in Gatlinburg in September, and finally going back to Hawaii next spring. 


Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Reverend Paul, getting adjusted to the weather in New Home 2.0 has been an adjustment. In New Home, it would just be Summer straight on. Here, it can still be up in the 70's and down in the 40's - in the same week. The lack of humidity is pleasant, though.

Glad to hear the healing is going well. Prayers Up.

How nice to be able to plan for travel again!

threecollie said...

Thanks for the update. It is good to hear how you are doing.

Rev. Paul said...

TB, we've been in Alaska for 21 years now, and no two springs or summers have ever been the same as those previous. It can be a challenge. :)

threecollie, I'm happy to oblige. It's nice to hear from you.

LindaG said...

Weather has been a bit unusual here, too. I wish the weeds were only a foot tall. :)
Praise God your wife is healing.
Cats are bad like that. They love to be around feet. Praise God she wasn't seriously hurt.
You all be safe and God bless.

Rev. Paul said...

Linda, I have no doubt that your weeds are taller than ours. To be fair, yours had quite a head start.