16 August 2024

Coulda Woulda Shoulda

 Let's see ...  Friday morning:
Power outages overnight. 

High winds which blew all night and are just dying off at 1700 hrs.

At work this morning, the surveillance systems were off-line since 1830 last night, and the outage continued until nearly 1000 today.

Minor earthquake 25 minutes ago.

Yep; shoulda stayed home today.


LindaG said...

Praise God you are okay.
God bless.

Rev. Paul said...

Thank you, Linda. We weren't in any real danger. We had seven dead or dying trees removed last fall, before the heavy snows. So, for once, the winds only brought down a few small branches.

But staying home with another cup of coffee this morning was very tempting. :)

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Reverend - I sympathize with this sentiment. I am reliably informed that New Home 2.0 is more prone to snow and ice storms so I suspect this may become a wish for me as well.

Glad to hear you are all okay.

Old NFO said...

Glad things weren't 'worse'... Take care my friend!