19 August 2024

Oh, Bother!

 We've just swum through the wettest July on record, and now the rainfall for August has set a new record. And it's only the 19th of the month. There are several days of rain or rain showers in the next week, if AccuHunch can be believed. (They've been fairly accurate lately, but one mustn't get one's hopes up, eh?)

Meanwhile, leaves are turning on the trees. Hmm, that sounds rather sinister, so let's try again, shall we?

Ahem: the leaves on the trees are turning yellow, and they're starting to fall already.  The winds have been blustery, too.

Winnie the Pooh and friends would feel right at home.


LindaG said...

Rain or drought. Hard to find an in-between any more.
You all be safe and God bless.

Old NFO said...

Must be nice! It was 111 here today, and no rain!

Ed Bonderenka said...

A harbinger.