29 April 2010

The Time Is Now

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a piece entitled “Righting the Wrongs” and published it here and on another blog. The response was ... well, underwhelming. I accept that I don’t reach that many people, and although the site had roughly the same number of hits as on any other day when The Liberty Sphere links to it (that is to say, around a hundred), the lack of comments made me think that it did not inspire many folks.

Regardless, I’ve tried to keep this blog going – and Heaven literally knows I poured my heart into it from mid-2008, prior to the last national election, through last year's protests and Tea Parties. I preached, I cajoled, and practically begged folks to think – think! – about who (and what) they were voting for – and then about what they had received.

Sure enough, I have followers – and for them I am grateful – but there’s a magic number of hits (that 100 that I mentioned) above which I have rarely reached. But none of that matters now.

I’ve said all that to say this: ladies and gentlemen, we are being raped. Viciously, maliciously, and with great pleasure by those in the government whose goal is the pure-and-simple gathering of power and control. They don’t care what they have to say, what lies they must tell, what lands they must grab, or what new (and usually unconstitutional) laws and regulations they pass.

It’s all about gaining power and control – and then keeping it. And it’s obvious now that the progressive crew in D.C. is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

In the last year, the vast silent majority has awakened, and risen up like some colossus of old. We have carried signs, written letters, sent e-mails, run ads, and made phone calls until the very switchboards in the Nation’s capital have overheated & shut down.

So, my blogger friends, we have battled, persuaded, cajoled, argued, and typed our fingers sore, and have we convinced any? Sure we have … but not enough. Not enough.

So what more can we do?

If you’re of a Christian persuasion, I’m sure you’ve been praying, right? Right? Even if you’re not, I’ll bet some of you have been praying anyway.

But it comes down to trusting in God – however you approach Him – and not in ourselves. With His help, we are MIGHTY. Even if we can’t see what He’s doing, we have the assurance that He is involved, and will not let His people down.

What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

“But Reverend Paul," (you may ask), "isn’t there something else we can do?”

I’m glad you asked. Alan Caruba wrote a piece for yesterday’s “Insight on Freedom” which compares our times with those of the mid-1770s, leading up to Lexington and Concord.

Are we at the point of civil disobedience? Some think so, and there have been sporadic outbreaks of that. And didn’t the progressive crowd huddle together and bleat for a cessation? Yes, just those few incidents got their attention. But then they gathered themselves and carried on, harder and faster than before.

So what, then? Armed rebellion? Please, God, no; that time is not yet (and I hope it does NOT come) although I dare say it’s a darn sight closer than any of us thought it would ever be, in our times.

Stand your ground, my friends. Refuse to back up another inch. As is stated in the header over at Western Rifle Shooters, “Do not give in to Evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it.”

They can only take that which you allow them to take. They know we outnumber them, but for decades they have managed to lull most of us to sleep. And today, we're told, they will probably pass a bill in the House to more-or-less trick the Puerto Ricans into voting for Statehood, which those folks have always opposed in the past. This will garner some 4 million voters who will be eligible for welfare and other forms of Big Government largesse, as well as putting two more Senators and six Representatives on Capitol Hill.

And don't you just know which party those will belong to?

Well, no more.

Get active, stay involved, and DO NOT BACK DOWN. They are trying to steal your freedom, folks, and have managed to get most of the way there.

No more.

It’s time to take this Nation back from those who have unlawfully usurped authority. It is they who are "clinging bitterly" to the reins of power, defying all who rise up in opposition.

Take it back; it’s yours to win or lose. But now; get involved now, because we're running out of time. Get involved at your level, city, county or state, but make it count. Let your voices be heard; insist on changes that are Constitutionally-sound and aimed at making things right.

Remember that power flows upward, from the people to their representatives in government. In fact, insist on it. Remind your local officials, who tend to be more responsive, that there's an election soon. Make sure they hear that message, loud and clear.

We've been asleep - and that's our fault. But we won't be, anymore. We know what America is supposed to be, and we insist that it be restored. No more nanny-statist, power-grabbing politics.



threecollie said...

I like the "Don't back down". Sometimes one feels very alone...which I suppose it what "they" want us to feel, but we aren't are we?

Mjolnir said...


Anonymous said...

Our backs are already to the wall, there's no where to go. Pushing anymore will only result in pushing back, now.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rev,

I'm confused. You say it isn't time to resort to taking up arms. You admit that our letters, calls, faxes, emails and protests have been ineffective and basically ignored. But, you want us to "take it back NOW."

How exactly do you propose we go about taking it back NOW?

Jenny said...

getting your black robe on, Reverend? ;)

Anonymous said...

Pastor, you tell us that:

D.C. is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal (of power and control)


the vast silent majority has awakened, and risen up

Yet those people who wrote and telephoned and went to meetings and screamed at their representatives to stop the spending madness were ignored and/or called racists.

Today we've been able to read that:

SWAT teams were sent against tea party people outside a venue were president obama was speaking. See http://biggovernment.com/jhoft/2010/04/28/team-obama-calls-out-swat-team-on-tea-party-patriots/


The US Army is traing at Fort Knox to go up against local militia groups, anti-government protestors, and the Tea Party.

When the police and armed forces train against its own law-abiding citizens and these same well-trained forces confront them face-to-face with loaded weapons drawn, dead innocents are only one trigger pull away. And it is human nature that when one weapon goes off several more go off (Kent State).

We are only one step away from them walking over the top of us and maybe walking over our dead bodies.

So you want us to "Stand your ground, my friends. Refuse to back up another inch."

You also want us to "not give in to Evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it.” But you do not want us to take up arms?

Jesus asked how someone can plunder a strong man's house without first binding him. The binding is the taking of that man's liberty. You advocate self-binding, to give up our liberty, against a government that is increasingly acting like it is ready to plunder its citizens.

At my house, we've decided to stand for liberty. We have chosen to stand up and confront the one's who would take our liberty.

And we'll stand up for your liberty, too, even if you won't.

Rev. Paul said...

Anon. @ 5:55 - you misunderstand me. First of all, I am not pastoring anywhere, so that title doesn't apply. I won't have it said of me that I'm claiming falsehood.

However, I also won't be the one calling for an armed uprising. Will I defend my myself and my family? Of course I will. If you had read any of my previous posts, you'd know that.

You must do what you & your family think best. I think the best way to describe my position is, "Don't be a perpetrator. Don't be a victim. And never, never be a bystander."

I say that we must attempt ... emphasis on attempt ... to effect the needed change via the ballot box, this fall. If that fails, then it may well be everyone for themselves. It's hard to predict what the outcome of THAT might be, and I won't try.

But it won't be pretty.

LUCKY said...

First off I apologize for not commenting more often to your posts. You always comment on mine and I often slack on at least saying thank you for yours. I appreciate reading what you have to say and having you prod me to question land reevaluate my ideas. Thank you for speaking up.

In response to your post, lately I have been pondering the relationship between the Rise and Decline of the Roman Empire and our great nation. The similarties are frightening and to me should be a clarion wake up call to those asleep at the rudder. In summary look at the following and then think of how they apply today in America.

Rome had always had its fair share of bad emperors. Caligula, Nero, Commodus are such examples. But there always followed good emperors to correct their errors. At Rome's end however, there was really no good rulers. For example great generals like Stilicho were killed because the emperor feared losing his throne to them. If you kill your best generals, your army will never be as good as it could be.

Also important to the weakening of the Romans was that they began to get more and more civilized.

Civilized people were not as good warriors on the battlefields as barbarians. For a long time the Romans had their own barbarians. Gauls, Illyrians, Belgians, Helvetians, Germans, etc.; they all joined the Roman legions. But soon they too were living like Romans. They enjoyed the fruits of Roman civilization and hence became less barbarous, - and less able to fight the barbarian Goths, Vandals, Sueves, etc..

LUCKY said...

Another important reason is perhaps that of Roman unity. The early Romans who built the empire stood united. By the end of course Rome had two capitals, Rome and Constantinople, each with its own emperor. But to the earlier Romans, Rome had been something special, something they served. But the later Romans only sought power for themselves. Almost every military commanders secretely had his eye on the throne and was ready to overthrow the emperor and take power himself. The armies spent a lot of time fighting each other for power in Rome, rather than fighting the enemy.

To this cataolgue of troubles one needs also to add economic problems. Rome was spending more than it could afford. The free food rations for the poor of Rome and Constantinople were costing a fortune. The Purchasing of exotic spices and silk from the orient ment that over time Rome was spending its gold on overseas luxuries. Gold which didn't return. Soon Rome didn't have enough gold to produce coins with.
And then there were the plagues. Deadly diseases brought in from the east swept across Europe, killing vast numbers among the population of the empire.
Even if the mass migration of the wild, Germanic people of the eastern plains is no longer seen as the all-important reason for Rome's demise, it naturally still is seen as one of the capital problems which caused the empire to fall.

As a last reason I'd also see the disastrous decision of emperor Valens (who was emperor of Constantinople) to allow the Visigoths to settle in Moesia.
The Roman empire's borders to the north had been the river Rhine and the river Danube. They are wide streams and therefore hard to cross. This means, the border was easy to defend. But when the Huns from the east attacked the Visigoths on the other side of the Danube, emperor Valens let them settle on the Roman side of the river. True, the Visigoths then were friends of the Romans. But that soon changed. It didn't take long and bad living conditions, poverty and starvation led the Visigoths to revolt. In the following war, the Romans no longer had a protective river from behind which to defend themelves. The enemy was settled within their own empire. - And it should be the Visigoths who eventually sacked the city of Rome itself.

So, the main points for the fall were
1. bad emperors
2. increasing civilization of the people of the empire (which means weaker soldiers)
3. Roman disunity, endless infighting
4. economic decline
5. plagues
6. mass migration
7. and the settlement of the Visigoths in Moesia

Keads said...


First thank you for your service!
Second, please keep blogging! I am an admitted newbie at blogging, and after a month or so think about why I do it and become discouraged. Don't fall into that trap! After a lifetime of silence I have found a voice, and though seemingly small, it has merit (and cheaper than therapy!).

Well Done!

DR said...

Very insightful post, Rev. Paul. You hit all the right notes.