29 June 2009

Monday Reminder

h/t Sandi-with-an-i


LUCKY said...

Amen Paul. I don't earn money so that I can share it with others. Most of my peers in college would be up in arms if their grades were redistributed to others who did not come to class or failed the tests. But if we all got "C"s wouldn't that be social justice?(According to socialist logic) Somehow I don't think my peers would be to keen on the idea of doing all your homework, coming to class everyday and doing well on the final all to have some other person share a part of your grade. Redistribution of wealth is nothing but a utopian pipe dream to give people in ivory towers something to talk about. The scary thing for me is that these people who were talking only in ivory towers now live in Washington DC and are trying to make me give up my "A" to someone who doesn't even come close to earning it.

Rev. Paul said...

Lucky, the classic example of "redistribution of wealth" in the grading system is that - at first - everyone gets a C. After each person realizes that they get a C no matter what, they all stop studying.

When no one studies, the average grade becomes an F.