06 December 2009

A Day To Relax

Last night my wife & I attended my company's Christmas party. This year, it was at our boss's home, and his wife (plus small staff) cooked the entree and appetizers (the beef wellington was fantastic). Mr. Boss himself served us; all in all, a very enjoyable evening.

He also chooses the occasion to pass out bonus checks, and mine was larger than I had any right to expect. In this era, just having a secure job is rewarding; the bonus is deeply appreciated.

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I did a bit of shopping at the big-box hunting/fishing/outdoor store, and picked up some things I'd been looking at (no guns, though ... dang it). A bore snake and a front sandbag for my rifle, and a two-mag pouch - with flap covers - for my carry pistol; I've grown tired of the corner of the mag digging into my kidney while seated at my desk.

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The sun has been shining since rising from behind the mountains after 10 this morning, but the skies have clouded over in the last 15 minutes. The weatherman says we'll have clear, sunny, and cool days this week; that would be a nice change of pace.

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The Iditarod Committee has announced that it intends to conduct drug screenings for the mushers in the 2010 race (begins the first Saturday in March, each year). The winner of the last three races, Lance Mackey - a throat cancer survivor, uses medicinal marijuana. He says he'll cooperate with the screenings, but will probably have to use some other form of pain medication during the race.

He also pointed out the the mushers aren't the ones racing; it's the dogs. For the record, they already get tested for banned substances during and after the race.

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We're very nearly done with our Christmas shopping. My wife & youngest just went out to get a few final items. I finally got a list of what she wants, and will probably take the youngest along with me, too - she usually remembers what mom has been ooh-ing and ahh-ing over, and can lead me to them. If I must go to the stores, I want to swoop in, get what I need, and escape quickly. It's a guy thing.

I will admit to browsing in hunting/shooting/camping/outdoor sections, and in hardware stores. Other than that ... not so much.

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That's about all for today. Have a great Sunday, and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

joated said...

If I remember all the hype about marijuana(and eyewitness accounts of some freshmen college aquaintances), isn't that stuff supposed to make you lackidasical and lazy? Wouldn't Mackey's opponents want him to use more during the Quest and Iditarod? (That's tongue in cheek.)

re: Shopping: You and I think a lot alike. Go in and get out ASAP...unless it's a hardware or sporting goods store. Then time and money are not of this dimension.