24 March 2010

Clouds on the Horizon

The after-effects of the nation's quickening descent into socialism are beginning to be felt by one and all.

The Liberty Sphere carries a story about a fellow who's already been told his health insurance premiums will increase by $200 per month, effective April 1st. He won't be the last.

My friend Jenny has posted an amazing, heartbreaking essay about what we've done to our heritage of liberty over at A Call To Wings.

DR at the Maritime Sentry has an excellent video about Obamacare: taxes, spending, and kickbacks.

Larry Correia highlights a debate that took place in his comments section, where a kool-aid drinker receives some schoolin' on what's really going on.

Left Coast Rebel highlights a New York Times article admitting that the "health care reform" was really about socialism. No! Really?

And finally (for now), the Anchorage Fish-wrap/Birdcage Liner blathers about how the "reform" bill has a "temporary fix" for Alaska's Medicare recipients who haven't been able to find a primary care provider. State House Democrats (of course!) point out that "the health care overhaul opens the opportunity for states to supplement federal Medicare payments out of their own budgets." Great! Another unfunded opportunity to order sovereign states - which the Supreme Court has already ruled are NOT political subdivisions of the U.S., and can't be ORDERED to pay for federal programs - to pay for a federal program.

So what happens in those states where they're already on the edge of bankruptcy, and can't afford the programs that are already in place?

1 comment:

DR said...

Thanks for the link and great round up. Very interesting articles. I hope the attorney generals are successful, but either way the American people will not stand for this. Defunding and repeal are coming.