21 March 2010

March 21st, 2010 - a New Date for Infamy

We have been betrayed, as Speaker Blinky & her Evil Party minions have rammed the unwanted healthcare "reform" package down our throats.

I'm seeing comments all over the board, on-line. Some are crying quietly, others are ranting, and some are threatening. The "window war" has been advocated by some, but I've not heard whether it was to any effect - although there was word, yesterday, that Rep. Slaughter's HQ window was broken by a brick.

The New York Post contains this nugget:
But what they object to, and will continue to resist, is the animating impulse that gives Washington more control over our daily lives. That is the definition of a statist, and it's what Obama is.

He is not troubled by the bribery for votes and the manipulated process because, to him, the end justifies the means.

Not surprisingly, he refuses to grasp why a clear majority of America now opposes his health care takeover.

"People have lost faith in government," he said at a recent rally in St. Louis. "They had lost faith in government before I ran, and it has been getting worse."

Actually, people haven't lost faith in government. They just don't think bigger is better. And the bigger he wants to make it, the less faith they have in him.

People are finally awakened, and no longer willing to play by the progressives' rules ... we've tried it, and it has resulted only in conservatives being the butt of insults, name-calling, dirty jokes, and calumny of all sorts.

As David Codrea says in his Examiner column:
Here's the thing: the rules don't just protect us as citizens. They also protect the government.

If we throw out rule of law and replace it with rule of men, no one will be protected.

We'll be forced to protect ourselves.


I don't know. I suppose we'll make it up as we go.

It won't be fun, and it won't be pretty. But it will be for keeps.


Home on the Range said...

This one was personal. I went to the doc in my 30's. Just not feeling right. They said, you're young, healthy, no symptoms. You have no medical history, you're adopted. We'll we'll spend some more for expensive tests because we care. Invasive expensive tests.

They found cancer.

I would be dead under Obamacare, as they wouldn't have done that.

I'm here, healthy, and although I may glow in the dark, I'm alive. Alive to vote this fall.

Rev. Paul said...

I didn't know that part of your history, and am very glad you got that care.

Now let's see if there are elections in November; I don't trust these people at all.

Jenny said...

Ouch Miss B!

Rev - I'm not going down the same road as the Bush haters. There will be elections in the fall, I'm sure. There will almost certainly be a massive turnover of the Congress.

... what effect that has though is anyone's guess.

threecollie said...

I hope there are elections...I wrote and wrote and wrote to NY's legislators and they just sent me back grinning pics of themselves as they merrily betrayed my family.