10 May 2010

Mole People

It's currently 52 & breezy. We've had weak sunshine when the sun shone at all, today.

While readers in the Lower 48 would think (and rightly so!) that our scenery is dimly lit, we who spend the long, cold winters up here are dazzled by sunny days that wouldn't prompt southerners to break out their shades.

I mentioned that thought to a friend in our first spring here, and he said, "Yes - now you're mole people like the rest of us!"

That reminded me of the old B-movie of the same name, and had me searching the cortex for these images. Using the search term "mole people", I got the results you see here.

This third image came up also, but I don't think it's what they intended.


Steven M Nielson said...

Cindy Crawford is Alaskan? :)

Home on the Range said...

I could picture the boys from Mystery Science Theater having a field day with that. Ha!